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140 g - 73550233855 - 77
140 g - 80137781503 - 20
580 g - 73550233855 - 17
580 g - 80137781503 - 63

Ching's Secret

Veg Hakka Noodles

Veg Hakka Noodles

MRP ₹ 27 Sale price ₹ 30
Regular price ₹ 27
10% Off
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Ching’s Veg Hakka Noodles are the right texture, cooks easily and prepared hygienically using advanced technology, that retains more flavour on the surface to send your taste buds into overdrive. The easy-to-cook noodles are vegetarian. Make mouth-watering Hakka noodles at home with Ching's Secret Veg Hakka Noodles stir-fried with your favourite veggies and sprinkled with Ching’s Hakka Noodle Masala for an extra punch. 

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